Went to London last week for a few days and discovered Penhaligon's, the famous (but not to me!) English Perfumers whose scents, bottles and Boutiques are as exquisite as can be...
I came out of the Angel's Boutique empty-handed but Juniper Sling keeps haunting me!
Guess I'll have to go the the Rue Saint Honoré Boutique in Paris soon...
Or maybe Santa will be sweet enough to put it under the tree....
Oh! and have a look at that purrfect video there!
Of course, the rest of the collection is super gorgeous.... but one cannot have 20 perfumes, right?

I came out of the Angel's Boutique empty-handed but Juniper Sling keeps haunting me!
Guess I'll have to go the the Rue Saint Honoré Boutique in Paris soon...
Or maybe Santa will be sweet enough to put it under the tree....
Oh! and have a look at that purrfect video there!
Of course, the rest of the collection is super gorgeous.... but one cannot have 20 perfumes, right?